Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


Inilah anak2 yang beruntung memiliki kesempantan di foto untuk sampul album musik dari band top dunia. Kini seiring berjalannya waktu, bagaimanakah  nasib mereka? What happens to those babies when they grow up?  CHECK THIS OUT……..

4. Korn – Korn

Justine Ferrara was paid $400 dollars to be on the cover of Korn's debut. She recently graduated from NYU and, thank god, doesn't listen to Korn.

Justine Ferrara dibayar dollar $ 400 sampai berada di sampul debut Korn's. Dia baru saja lulus dari NYU dan,ampe sekarang dia belom denger lagu korn .

3. Siamese Dream - Smashing Pumpkins

Nicole Fiorentino is actually the bassist in the Smashing Pumpkins now.

Dulu jadi model cover album sekarang doi jadi personil nya. tahun 2010 resmi di rekrut smashing pumpkins (menggantikan Jahe Pooley) sebagai bassist resminya .

2. A Boy Named Goo - Goo Goo Dolls

Carl Gellert was paid $6000 dollars to appear on the album. He is now entering grad school for art history.

Carl Gellert dibayar dollar $ 6000 untuk tampil di album. Dia sekarang masuk sekolah pascasarjana untuk sejarah seni

1. Nevermind – Nirvana

Spencer Elden was photographed for the album for $200. He now interns at Shepard Fairey's Obey Giant studio. 

Spencer Elden difoto untuk album seharga $ 200. Dia sekarang magang di studio Shepard Fairey's Obey Giant. *tega bener emak nya cuma demi $200 anak nya di suruh nyemplung ke kolam tanpa baju renang ama tabung oksigen .*

Not only the top baby album cover of all-time, but maybe one of the most iconic covers in music history as well. A baby swimming towards a one-dollar bill–did it represent Nirvana selling out? Did it symbolize the moment Kurt Cobain lost the innocence of his childhood? Are we baited into greed as soon as we leave the womb? Or was Nirvana just being cute (on a couple different levels)? The debate began in 1991 and continues today.

Sebenernya masi banyak album band lain yang menjadikan bayi sebagai cover albumnya, tp yang udah gedenya masi keliatan dan sering muncul di internet cuma yang diatas doang :D 

dikumpulin dari berbagai sumber hasil googling yang paling lengkap dari disini

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