Rabu, 16 Mei 2012


2. wang Jiayun

Miss Jiayun menjadi top search di google semenjak ia mengupload foto2 ‘look like a doll’ nya ke internet. Tapi katanya si foto2 jiayun adalah hasil sotosop. Real Jiayun ternyata tidak semenarik yang orang bayangkan. Dia yang tadinya dipuja sekarang menjadi bahan ejekan di berbagai media dan jejaring social….jiayun akhirnya merasa tertekan dan bilang kalau dia ngga pernah berniat jadi terkenal,

“In her latest status message, she mentioned that she just wants a normal life and repays her parents by getting into college. She never wanted to be popular public figure. Teachers have called her up after seeing her pictures online and she couldn’t describe how she is feeling at the moment.As of the afternoon on the February 17th, the number of visits to Wang Jiayun’s Weibo already surpassed 3.5 million. On the 17th alone, the number of visits exceeded 1.18 million.”

Kesian juga si dia.. o(╥╥)o

dan ternyata aslinya Jiayun ga jelek2 amat kok, STILL LOVELY (o^^o)

But she actually did a good job at photoshopping anyway….sebenernya ga ada yg salah si jadi cantik di camera, semua orang toh ingin terlihat bagus kalo di foto haha

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